
<br/><br/>  孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)<br/><br/>

<br/><br/>  孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)<br/><br/>

孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)






孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)



孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)




孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)




孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)






我們聽遍了英美所有的兒歌,千挑萬選不惜重金引進了Susie Tallman這套英語兒歌,因為從來沒有人為了一套英語兒歌投注如此多的心力,所有曲子都精心改編,力求活潑趣味親切溫暖,並不惜成本動用了鋼琴、小提琴、大提琴,吉他、曼陀鈴、手鼓、各式鼓樂與打擊樂器、口琴、手風琴、管風琴???等大量真實的樂器,讓音樂聽起來特別生動活潑,完全沒有電腦合成樂器的平板呆滯,再加上受過嚴謹聲樂訓練的Susie Tallman,字正腔圓的唱工,難怪有那麼多美國專業幼教,親子雜誌毫無保留地一致推薦。


☆Parents Choice Foundation- Parent's Choice Award

☆National Parenting - Publications Award-Gold Award Awarded by Industry Experts a US Corporation ☆Oppenhein Toy Portofolio - Best Audio Award. Plarinum & Gold Awards

☆Parenting - Parents' Choice Gold Award

☆Fit Pregnancy - Winner Parents's Choice Gold Award

☆Baby Talk - Recommended

☆The Pregnancy Buyer's Guide - Recommended

☆iParenting Media - Hot Award Winner

☆edplay - Editors' Choice

☆Small World - Recommended

孩子的歌 Volume 1Classic Nursery Rhymes

1. Six Little Ducks

2. Sing a Song of Sixpence

3. Peter Piper

4. Hickory Dickory Dock

5. I'm A Little Teapot

6. Little Miss Muffett

7. Itsy Bitsy Spider

8. Georgie Porgie

9. Ten Monkeys in the Bed

10. Rub-A-Dub-Dub

11. Skidamarink

12. Three Little Kittens

13. Over In The Meadow

14. Humpty Dumpty

15. This Old Man

16. There Was A Crooked Man

17. Mary Had A Little Lamb

18. Betty Botter

19. Diddle Diddle Dumpling
20. Hey Diddle Diddle

21. Three Blind Mice

22. Old King Cole

23. Mary, Mary

24. Pat-A-Cake

25. Jack and Jill

26. Frere Jacques

27. Dr. Foster

28. It's Raining, It's Pouring/ 28. Rain Rain Go Away

29. Little Bo Peep

30. Going to St. Ives

31. Little Nut Tree

32. Mulberry Bush

33. Baa Baa Black Sheep

34. There Was An Old Woman

35. The Owl and The Pussycat

36. Lavender's Blue

37. Wynkyn, Blynkyn and Nod

孩子的歌 Volume 2Children’s Songs, a collection of childhood favorites

1. I've Been Working On the Railroad

2. Five Little Ducks

3. The Alphabet Song


5. Big Rock Candy Mountain

6. Pop Goes the Weasel

7. Say, Say Oh Playmate

8. De Colores

9. Bumblebee

10. Five Little Speckled Frogs

11. 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe

12. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain

13. Found A Peaunt

14. Puff the Magic Dragon

15. Alouette

16. Little Peter Rabbit

17. Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar

18. Monkeys on the Bed

19. Apples & Bananas
20. La Cucaracha

21. Hokey Pokey

22. Old MacDonald

23. Buffalo Gals

24. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

25. Down in the Valley

26. Ants Go Marching In

27. Do Your Ears Hang Low?

28. Wheels on the Bus

29. If You're Happy and You Know It

30 Oh When the Saints Go Marching In

31. London Bridges

32. Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends

33. Farmer in the Dell

34. Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?

35. Red River Valley

36. Sur La Pont d'Avignon

37. Kookaburra

38. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

孩子的歌 Volume 3Let's Go Travel. Camp and Car Songs

01. Let’s Go 一起走

02. Polly Wolly Doodle 啵哩哇哩嘟哆

03. Madalina Catalina 瑪德琳娜卡塔琳娜

04. Throw it out the Window 丟到窗外去

05. Going on a Bear Hunt 去獵熊

06. On Top of Spaghetti 義大利麵上

07. A Sailor Went to Sea 水手出海

08. Oh! Susanna 喔蘇珊娜

09. You are My Sunshine 你試我的陽光

10. The Old Family Toothbrush 全家共用的老牙刷

11. Sippin’ Cider through a Straw 用吸管喝蘋果酒

12. Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 在哪兒在哪兒我的小狗上哪兒

13. I Love the Mountains我 愛山
14. Swiiming Hole 天然游泳池

15. The Ostrich Song 鴕鳥歌

16. Blowin’ in the Wind 飄在風中

17. Boom Chicka Boom 蹦奇卡蹦

18. Yankee Doodle 土包子蠢蛋上城去

19. Mary Ann McCarty 瑪莉 安 麥卡蒂

20. Clementine 克蕾蔓婷

21. Aint’ Gonna Rain No More 不會再下雨了

22. There’s A Hole in the Bucket 桶子裡有個洞

23. 1000 Legged Worm 千足虫

24. Home on the Range 山腰上的家

25. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean 我的邦妮飄洋渡海

26. To Morrow 去摩洛小鎮

孩子的歌 Volume 4Silly Car Songs

1. On The Road Again

2. Swinging The Alphabet

3. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

4. Found a Peanut

5. Down to Grandpa's Farm

6. The Ants Go Marching

7. Beep Beep

8. Do Your Ears Hang Low
9. Bumble Bee/The Itsy Bitsy Spider

10. Wheels On The Bus

11. The Banana Boat Song

12. On Top My Pizza

13. Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh

14. The Happy Wonderer

15. Boom Boom, Ain't Great To Be Crazy


孩子的歌 Volume 5Sing Along Party

1. Loopty Loo

2. Peanut Butter And Jelly

3. Itsy Bitsy Spider

4. Where Doggy Has Gone

5. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

6. Take Me To The Ball Game

7. I Had A Rooster

8.Teh Wheels On The Bus
9. Skip To My Lou

10. Farmer In The Dell

11. Coming Round The Mountain

12. Hickory Dock/3 Blind Mice

13. The Yankee Doodle Boy

14. Georgie Porgie

15. Hey Diddle Diddle


About Susie Tallman蘇西托曼

Rock Me Baby唱片公司致力於創造真實,誠摯,獨特,可讓親子共享的兒童音樂。創辦人蘇西托曼(Susie Tallman)為了實踐對音樂和兒童的熱愛,於1999年創立了這家公司。


「Rock Me Baby唱片公司在音樂市場中為小朋友開創了一條新的途徑,」蘇西托曼表示。「專輯用現代的方式詮釋傳統童謠和催眠曲的美。」所有的CD都結合了原創和有趣的編曲來呈現傳統歌曲。」這些催眠曲具有安撫和平靜心情的效果,童謠則採用了多種聲音和樂器讓歌曲好玩有趣又獨特。



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發表者 李 **, 2017/12/17 23:22:28


孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)




孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)


<br/><br/>  孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)<br/><br/>

孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)


<br/><br/>  孩子的歌 / 蘇西托蔓最新版 (5CD+1DVD+1精裝中英文對照歌本+1精美禮盒)<br/><br/>


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